Friday 29 May 2015


Helloooooo! This year I did a exchange with Berlin.

What we do in Berlin?

We went seven days, five days with our correspondents in their house, and the others three days we went to X-Berger (it was a hostel), but only the class.

The first day we meet with our correspondents, the family was lovely and very good with me.  The name of my corespondent is Sara, she was very lovely with me and it was more easy to meet together because we told in spanish, since her mother was spanish. 

The second day we went to their school, it is very big, with a lot of departments for every class, I like it so much.

During those five days with our correspondents we went to the FilmPark Babelsberg (it was a park with different districts from the movies like action, love...), we went to see sights from a boat (we went to see the Reich, Museums...) and that day we went to a barbecue in a german´s house, and the last day we did a game for all Berlin.

During the week I saw the Brandenburg Gate, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of EuropeConcentration camp of Berlin (something that I want to see), The Berlín Wall...

The week-end we went to shopping, we went to see the Berlin Wall, the zoo.

The last day in the exchange a lot of persons went to one park to eat, listen music... it was very funny and we were all together. 

My Opinion 

I like so much this exchange because I meet a new persons and I can see a new culture and city.
I think that Berlin is a beautiful city with a lot of history.

I like because it has been our last trip to group in Escuela2, and I enjoy it a lot.

Sunday 24 May 2015


Helloooo! Today I´m going to talk about this new project.

My group are Sergio, Carlos and me. 

The rolls are: Sergio are the computer expert, Carlos are the english expert and Vera are the coordinator 

In this new project we have to see a movie from 1930 to 1940, my group saw CASABLANCA a film of Michael Curtiz is a romantic film.

In this project you must to chose a movie and your favorites scenes from that movie, so when you have your group you film that scenes. 

We first meet in Carlos house to see the movie, and another day we went to Sergio´s house to make the video and film.
In that day we see what we have to say (the script) and the characters, first it was complicated because we are three and in that movie are a lot of characters, but finally we can do it. 

We enjoyed doing this project.
Enjoy it!

Monday 13 April 2015

Written Expression (Easter Homework)

Task 1 


Dear,  Jenny!

I´m so happy to talk with you, because I miss you so much.

How are you there? Here I´m so happy the last week I went to a speed-dating, that was incredible, I think is a good experience.

At the beginning I was nervous, and it was very little weird, but then it was so funny and very good experience, I met a lot of people during the day.

I met a very nice person, he was very pretty but that is not the only thing because he is a very nice person and we have many things in common, and when we are together I feel very good.

Finally we had time to exchange our telephone numbers, because we would like know better, so we´ll see this week-end.

I hope see you again soon!

Kisses, Vera.

Friday 9 January 2015

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Hi! I´m going to talk about The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

This book is written by Stephen Chbosky

Fifteen year old Charlie is coping with the suicide of his friend, Michael. To lessen the fear and anxiety of starting high school alone, Charlie starts writing letters to a stranger.

At school, he also overcomes his chronic shyness and approaches a classmate, Patrick, who, along with his step sister Sam, befriend Charlie.

During the course of the school year, Charlie has his first date and his first kiss, he deals with bullies and makes friends.

In 2012 made a film with actors Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller.

The movie trailer 


Thursday 8 January 2015

Christmas 2014-2015

Helloooo!!! I´m Vera and i´m going to talk about my christmas.
This year I had to do a video about what i did, I decided do this video about christmas day,new year´s eve, the three magic kings...
This project is very fun because you have to record all your family and friends... 
I hope that you like!


Wednesday 7 January 2015

My Dream House

Hellooo! Today I´m going to talk about my dream house.

My perfect house has to be situated in the center of New York City or London. 
In this place it has to be in a lovely neighbor hood.
Where I have near plenty shops and cafés. I want a flat because I can see the sights of the city, a fifteen-minutes walk from my job. I would choose to live in a new building with a lipt.
I have to live very up, so I can see the sights. 

When you enter in the flat you can see a spacious living room with an open kitchen (where you can see the living room and dining). I love cooking so whether it be well-equipped.

On the left you can see a hallway with three doors, in the first room there is a bathroom, and in front of it there is a cinema room (there I have enough spacies with a sofa and a very big television) and the end of the corridor I´d have my bedroom. 

In my bedroom I´d have a big bed and beautiful windows. 
On the wall I´d have pictures (made by me, or bought) and lights (like the lights at christmas). On the bed sides I´d have a picture of my family, looking at me. 
I´d have a library with many books (I love to read).
I would´t have a garden, so in my house I´d have plants (roses, daisies...) 
In front of my bed there would be a closet and on the floor there would be a very soft carpet. 

Saturday 3 January 2015

Christmas Card

Hellooo! This Christmas at my school we had made some cards and given the person who has touched us.

This year I had fallen to Carlos that he gave me this card with chocolates.