Thursday 12 June 2014

Looking For Alaska


 Hellooo! Iḿ going to talk about "Looking For Alaska"

This book is written by John Green.

Miles Halter is fascinated by famous  and tired of his safe life at home. 
He leaves for boarding school to seek the poet Francois Rabelais
He meet Alaska Young, clever, funny, screwed-up, and dead sexy...

The protagonist.
Tall and skinny, his friends at Culver ironically nickname him "Pudge". He is attracted to Alaska Young.

Alaska Young
The wild, moody, unpredictable, beautiful and enigmatic girl who captures Miles' attention. She acts as a confidant to her friends, frequently assisting them in personal matters, as well as dealing in cigarettes and alcohol.
Chip Martin
Five feet tall but "built like Adonis", he is Alaska's best friend and Miles' roommate. His nickname, the Colonel, comes from his being the strategic mastermind behind the schemes that Alaska concocts. Coming from a poor background, he is obsessed with loyalty and honor, especially towards his beloved mother Dolores.
Takumi Hikohito
A surprisingly gifted MC/hip-hop enthusiast, and friend of Alaska and Chip, who often feels left out of Miles, Chip, and Alaska's plans.
Lara Buterskaya
 She is Alaska's friend and, for a short period, Miles' girlfriend.
Mr. Starnes
The stern Dean of Students at Culver Creek. He is nicknamed "The Eagle".
Dr. Hyde
The World Religions teacher at Culver Creek. He is described as 'ancient' and has trouble breathing.

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